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Roki Alth - 2009-01-30 18:07:37 |
data/movements/scripts Kod:-- >>CONFIG<< -- local verticalTiles = 5400 -- Action id of the vertical tiles. local horizontalTiles = 5401 -- Action id of the horizontal tiles. local ground = {normal = 426, used = 425} -- Itemid of the ground tile when it is normal or used (when you stand on it) local teleport = {itemid = 1387, actionid = 5408} -- Enter the itemid and the actionid of the teleport. local teleportPosition = {x = 584, y = 371, z = 7} -- Where should the teleport be spawned when you finnish the puzzle? local newPosition = {x = 595, y = 381, z = 7} -- Where should you get teleported when you enter the teleport? local position = {x = 587, y = 374, z = 7} -- Position of the north west (top left) side of the puzzle area. local magicEffect = 12 -- What effect will appear when you finnish the puzzle? Leave blank or write "nil" if you don't want any. -- >>CONFIG<< -- function onStepIn(cid, item, pos) teleportPosition.stackpos = 1 local getTeleport = getThingfromPos(teleportPosition) if getTeleport.itemid == teleport.itemid and getTeleport.actionid == teleport.actionid then doRemoveItem(getTeleport.uid, 1) end local getPillow = {} if item.actionid == verticalTiles then for i = 0, 5 do getPillow[i + 1] = getThingfromPos({x = position.x + (i * 1), y = getPlayerPosition(cid).y, z = position.z, stackpos = 1}) end elseif item.actionid == horizontalTiles then for i = 0, 5 do getPillow[i + 1] = getThingfromPos({x = getPlayerPosition(cid).x, y = position.y + (i * 1), z = position.z, stackpos = 1}) end end doTransformItem(getPillow[1].uid, getPillow[6].itemid) for i = 1, 5 do doTransformItem(getPillow[i + 1].uid, getPillow[i].itemid) end if checkPillows(position.x, position.y, 1686) == 1 and checkPillows(position.x + 3, position.y, 1688) == 1 and checkPillows(position.x, position.y + 3, 1687) == 1 and checkPillows(position.x + 3, position.y + 3, 1689) == 1 then local newTeleport = doCreateTeleport(teleport.itemid, newPosition, teleportPosition) doSetItemActionId(newTeleport, teleport.actionid) if magicEffect ~= nil then doSendMagicEffect(pos, magicEffect) end end doTransformItem(item.uid, ground.used) return 1 end function onStepOut(cid, item, pos) pos.stackpos = 1 local getPos = getThingfromPos(pos) teleportPosition.stackpos = 1 local getTeleport = getThingfromPos(teleportPosition) if comparePos(pos, teleportPosition) and getPos.itemid == getTeleport.itemid and getPos.actionid == getTeleport.actionid then teleportPosition.stackpos = 1 doRemoveItem(getTeleport.uid, 1) resetPuzzle() return 1 else doTransformItem(item.uid, ground.normal) return 1 end end function checkPillows(posx, posy, item) local returnValue = 1 for gx = posx, posx + 2 do for gy = posy, posy + 2 do if getThingfromPos({x = gx, y = gy, z = position.z, stackpos = 1}).itemid ~= item then returnValue = 0 break end end end return returnValue end function resetPuzzle() local availablePillows = {} for i = 0, 3 do local pillowId = 1686 + i for i = 1, 9 do table.insert(availablePillows, pillowId) end end availablePillows = shuffleTable(availablePillows) for gx = position.x, position.x + 5 do for gy = position.y, position.y + 5 do local pillow = math.random(1, #availablePillows) getItem = getThingfromPos({x = gx, y = gy, z = position.z, stackpos = 1}) doTransformItem(getItem.uid, availablePillows[pillow]) table.remove(availablePillows, pillow) end end end function shuffleTable(t) local newTable = {} for i = 1, #t do randomId = math.random(1, #t) table.insert(newTable, t[randomId]) table.remove(t, randomId) end return newTable end data/movements/movements.xml Kod:<movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5400" script="pillow puzzle.lua" /> <movevent event="StepOut" actionid="5400" script="pillow puzzle.lua" /> <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="5401" script="pillow puzzle.lua" /> <movevent event="StepOut" actionid="5401" script="pillow puzzle.lua" /> <movevent event="StepOut" actionid="5408" script="pillow puzzle.lua" /> do global.lua Kod:function comparePos(pos1, pos2) return (pos1.x == pos2.x and pos1.y == pos2.y and pos1.z == pos2.z) end Ale uwaga!Clean usunie puzzle! |
Xardass92 - 2009-01-31 07:33:19 |
jak ustawisz wszystko to wloze puzzle bo napisales ze nie ustawiles konfiguracji na mapie ;) |
Cziquita - 2009-07-07 14:13:11 |
To raczej ty masz ustawić sobie na mapie xd, bo jak on ustawi konfiguracje na twojej mapie ?? <lol> no chyba że ma ją xd |