Na początku dodajemy do folderu:
local notAllowed = {"czego nie mozna lapac np. Slime", "czego nie mozna lapac np. Demon"}
local storage = {
status = 25650,
pokeName = 25651
local actionid_used = 7510
function onUse(cid, item, fromPos, item2, toPos)
local pokeballStatus = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status)
local pokeName = getPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName)
pos = getPlayerPosition(cid) pos.stackpos = 0
if getTilePzInfo(toPos) == 0 and getTilePzInfo(pos) == 0 then
if pokeballStatus == -1 then
toPos.stackpos = 253
local pokeThing = getThingfromPos(toPos)
if isCreature(pokeThing.uid) == TRUE then
if isPlayer(pokeThing.uid) == FALSE then
local pokename_ = getCreatureName(pokeThing.uid)
if item.actionid ~= actionid_used then
-- local maxHealth = 400
-- local creatureHealth = getCreatureHealth(pokeThing.uid)
-- local divNum = (string.len(maxHealth)-1)^2
-- local result = math.floor((creatureHealth/divNum)/10)
-- local chance = math.random(1, math.random(4, math.random(7, math.max(result, 7))))
-- if chance == result then
if isInTable(notAllowed, pokename_) == TRUE then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nie mozesz tego lapac!")
setPlayerStorageString(cid, storage.pokeName, pokename_)
doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1)
doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "To zawiera " .. pokename_ .. ".")
doSetItemActionId(item.uid, actionid_used)
-- else
-- doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2)
-- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Pokemon wolny!")
-- end
elseif item.actionid == actionid_used and pokename_ == pokeName then
doPlayerSay(cid, pokeName .. " WRACAJ!", TALKTYPE_SAY)
doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "To zawiera " .. pokename_ .. ".")
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, 1)
doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37)
doSendMagicEffect(fromPos, 2)
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Ten pokeball jest uzywany!")
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nie mozesz tego lapac!")
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nie ma takiego potwora!")
elseif pokeballStatus == 1 then
summons = getCreatureSummons(cid)
-- if #summons >= 2 then
-- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nie mozesz przyzwac wiecej pokemonow")
-- else
doConvinceSummon(cid, pokeName, 0, toPos)
doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, 37)
doPlayerSay(cid, pokeName .. " IDZ!", TALKTYPE_SAY)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage.status, -1)
doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, "Jest pusty.")
-- end
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nie mozesz tego uzyc w PZ.")
return 1
function isInTable(t, val)
for _, v in pairs(t) do
if v == val then
return TRUE
return LUA_ERROR
Następnie do folderu:
data/action/actions.xml dodajemy:
<action itemid="ID Pokeball'a" script="pokeball.lua" allowfaruse="1" blockwalls="1" />
Ale pamietaj!Pokeball musi byc rzecza ktora mozna uzyc "with crosshair"!
Dodaj do global.lua:
function getPlayerStorageString(cid, key) if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength local wordcount = 0 local str = "" while true do if wordcount >= _maxlength then break end local word = getPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount) if word == -1 then -- end of string break else byte =, 255) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 16711680), 16) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end end wordcount = wordcount + 1 end return str end function doConvinceSummon(cid, creature, amount, pos) summonplayerpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z, stackpos=253} summonplayer = getThingfromPos(summonplayerpos) if(summonplayer ~= nil and summonplayer.itemid > 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"There is not enough room to summon here.") ret = 0 else convince = doSummonCreature(creature, pos) doConvinceCreature(cid, convince) ret = 1 end return ret end
Chodziło mi o "use with", a błąd wywala bo nie masz takiej funkcji
Zaraz ją dam:
Dodaj do global.lua:
function getPlayerStorageString(cid, key) if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength local wordcount = 0 local str = "" while true do if wordcount >= _maxlength then break end local word = getPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount) if word == -1 then -- end of string break else byte =, 255) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 16711680), 16) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end end wordcount = wordcount + 1 end return str end function doConvinceSummon(cid, creature, amount, pos) summonplayerpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z, stackpos=253} summonplayer = getThingfromPos(summonplayerpos) if(summonplayer ~= nil and summonplayer.itemid > 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"There is not enough room to summon here.") ret = 0 else convince = doSummonCreature(creature, pos) doConvinceCreature(cid, convince) ret = 1 end return ret end
A teraz, zamień to stare w global.lua na to:
function getPlayerStorageString(cid, key) if key > warpzone / maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = warpzone + key * maxlength local wordcount = 0 local str = "" while true do if wordcount >= maxlength then break end local word = getPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount) if word == -1 then break else byte =, 255) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(, 16711680), 16) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end end wordcount = wordcount + 1 end return str end function doConvinceSummon(cid, creature, amount, pos) summonplayerpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z, stackpos=253} summonplayer = getThingfromPos(summonplayerpos) if(summonplayer ~= nil and summonplayer.itemid > 0) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"There is not enough room to summon here.") ret = 0 else convince = doSummonCreature(creature, pos) doConvinceCreature(cid, convince) ret = 1 end return ret end